Sunday, April 10, 2011

Week 9 Schools Choices and Challenges and Week 10 Culturally Responsive Teaching

Welcome to weeks 9 and 10's Chapter 4 "Schools, Choices and Challenges" and Chapter 3 "Culturally Responsive Teaching."  These two are combined for this posting, as they are so related.
Chapter 4 - Schools, Choices and Challenges
The main question raised in chapter four is what are the school choice trends available in public education?  Chapter 4 addresses the question of why schooling, what are schools for today...are we missing the point of schooling's purpose(s)?  In America, schools began with the intent of extending home training:  students were sent to small schools usually taking along what learning materials they had in their homes.  The schoolmaster or schoolmarm was someone in the comnmunity hired by the community to teach the children basic reading, writing and arithmetic skills, along with the Bible scripture.  Usually, the teacher stayed in the home of one of the families. 

Transport that scene to today's schools.  Perhaps that type of schooling can only be played out in homes today.  Parents who want to monitor what their children are learning as in the early days in schools today are probably going to have to home-school their children. 

The chapter offers two camps of reasoning for schools today:  1) to transmit the knowledge and values of today's society or 2) to reconstruct the ills of society.  Which camp are you in?  Perhaps you may find that you may borrow from both lines of reasoning.  It is no doubt that schools are reflecting a general upheaval, change in the way society operates. 

There is no doubt that whatever goes on in the school will certainly affect society as students turn eighteen, becoming legal participants in what happens.  That being the case, we better be transmitting some knowlege on how they should operate in this world, else we are all affected.  I certainly don't want to be responsible for churning out students who lack basic skills to navigate communication and the operation of what has become the necessities of our existence in this country:  computers, medical equipment, cars, airplanes, military weapons and the likes of such. Perhaps we had better continue to transmit some knowledge. 

Of course on the other end of the scale is using schools for the reconstruction of society.  Too many people are poor in this country as a developed, leading entity in the world.  Too many people are powerless to act against oppressive situations in this country.  When these people's children are sent to schools, we better be equipping them, empowering them to take their knowledge and make their communities stronger, their lives better.  Educating students in this camp would involve showing them how to take their new knowledge and make it work immediately. 

I am reminded of a school in a poor area of Dallas, Texas, where a teacher empowered his students to do research in that community then act on the data they collected.  This teacher was tired of coming to teach at this school on Monday mornings, walking over trash, beer bottles and cans left over from drunken purchases from liquor stores in front of the school.  He incited his students to walk the community and they discovered that there were an atrocious amount of liquor stores across the street and the surrounding school area.  He taught his students to use their math and language skills and collect data, prepare reports which they took up with the city of Dallas.  As a result, the city changed the liquor license laws that allowed such stores to exist so close to the school.  Some liquor stores were forced to shut down, a victory for such students that will be with them throughout their lives.  These are the type of students we want to see representing us as politicians, future leaders. 

Where do you stand?  Complete the interactive activity on pages  136 - 137 and be prepared to defend your position on the discussion board.  If you are teaching, you should be able to say what you think schools should be doing.  My stand is that we need to teach both the basic skills and how to address the new issues in society.  Students need to be able to get along with others, empathize and help those who have less resources than they do.  Poors students need to be shown how they can mobilize to help themselves and their communities improve.

The chapter also addresses the concept of school choice that is on the rise today.  Across this country, we now have home schools, magnet schools, open enrollment schools, charter schools, and now a model for voucher schools.  You should visit each of these concepts and become familiar with the ideology of each.  Should families be allowed to return to deciding who should educate their children and how that will happen?  Why or why not?
Chapter 3 - Culturally Responsive Teaching
According to Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings, there are five components to culturally responsive teaching:  1]knowledge of self and others; 2] the learning community; 3] multicultural curriculum; 4] responsive pedagogy; and 5] teaching for social justice and change agency.  Along with reading the chapter on culturally responsive teaching, view the following video capture of Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings (founder of culturally responsive teaching) and another video that further articulates what CRT is, then return to the MEDG551 Discussion board to post your responses ...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Week 8 - Curriculum, Standards and Testing

Focus Questions [as from Sadker and Sadker, et. al, 8th edition]
  1. What is the formal curriculum taught in schools?
  2. How does the invisible curriculum influence learning?
  3. What is the place of the extracurriculum in school life?
  4. What forces shape the school curriculum?
  5. How has technology affected the curriculum?
  6. How do textbook publishers and state adoption committees "drive" the curriculum?
  7. What is standards-based education?
  8. What are the provisions and criticisms of No Child Left Behind?
  9. What problems are created by high stakes testing, and what are the testing alternatives?
  10. How are cultural and political conflicts reflected in the school curriculum?
  11. How can we rethink tomorrow's curriculum?
  1. What problems are created by high-stakes testing, and what are the testing alternatives?
    High-stakes tests are believed to contribute to increases in the number of dropouts and the increase in teacher and student stress. High scores on such tests do not necessarily reflect greater learning, and teachers who teach to the test eliminate other important topics from the curriculum. One testing alternative, authentic assessment, evaluates students by asking them to synthesize what they have learned in a final product or "exhibit."         
  2. What is the formal curriculum taught in schools?
    The formal or visible curriculum is the school's official curriculum, but it is far from static. In colonial America, reading and religion were central. During the early part of the twentieth century, progressive ideas led to a curriculum that emphasized creative expression, social skills, and an integrated study of subject areas. By the 1980s and 1990s, spurred by poor standardized test scores, a back-to-basics curriculum with highstakes testing dominated.
  3. How does the invisible curriculum influence learning?
    Schools teach an invisible curriculum that has two components. The hidden or implicit curriculum offers lessons that are not always intended, but emerge as students are shaped by the school culture, including the attitudes and behaviors of teachers. Topics considered unimportant or too controversial, inappropriate or not worth the time, and therefore not taught comprise the null curriculum.
  4. What is the place of the extracurriculum in school life?
    Most students participate in the extracurriculum, a voluntary curriculum that includes sports, clubs, student government, and school publications. While some see these activities as part of a rich cocurriculum, others discount their value.
  5. What forces shape the school curriculum?
    Many groups influence the content of the curriculum. In recent years, the federal government and specially appointed education commissions have been two groups promoting a standards-based, high-stakes testing curriculum.
  6. How has technology affected the curriculum?
    Exciting virtual field trips that take students around the world or the online activities that create fascinating learning communities illustrate the technology's promise of rich learning activities. But American fascination with technology in the past has been overly optimistic, and that may also be true today. The jury is still out on technology's impact on learning. The presence of the digital divide reminds us that technology's potential benefits are shared by all, that wealth and geography play a role.
  7. How do textbook publishers and state adoption committees "drive" the curriculum?
    More than 20 states, mainly located in the South and West, are textbook adoption states. Local school districts in these states must select their texts from an official, stateapproved list. The most populous of these states exert considerable influence in the development of textbooks.
  8. What is standards-based education?
    The pressure to improve test scores led to standards-based education, a process of focusing the curriculum on specified topics and skills, followed by continuous testing to see if these standards have been learned.
  9. What are the provisions and criticisms of No Child Left Behind?
    One of the most far-reaching federal education plans, No Child Left Behind, includes annual testing, identification of underperforming schools, employing only "highly qualified" teachers, and providing additional learning options to students attending underperforming schools. Lack of funding and reliance on a single test to measure learning are just two of the criticisms leveled at the law.
  10. How are cultural and political conflicts reflected in the school curriculum?
    Opposing the theory of evolution, some support intelligent design, an alternative explanation for the origin of humans. Cultural and political differences over what should be taught have led to book banning and censorship. Proponents of a core curriculum and cultural literacy argue with multiculturalists who advocate the greater inclusion of the roles, experiences, and contributions of women and people of color.
  11. How can we rethink tomorrow's curriculum?
    Because of the knowledge explosion, some educators believe that we should focus less on content and more on process, including critical thinking skills, metacognition, and critical pedagogy. The reader is invited to consider a new approach to the current curriculum, and the authors suggest a four-tier curriculum that promotes self-understanding, human relations, and greater individualization. The Saber-Tooth Curriculum teaches us that a curriculum should preserve the past, but not be limited by it.     Reference:  Sadker & Sadker, 8th edition
================================================================Alternative Readings/Websites:
           1.  The Hidden Curriculum
           2.   Curriculum Types
Read "The Saber-Tooth Curriculum" at: .
Add a new discussion thread responding to the following questions:
 What is the main message of this excerpt from 'The Saber-Tooth Curriculum' in relation today's education?  What, if any, in the current traditional education program would you equate with fish-grabbing-with-the-bare-hands?  Why?  What changes would you suggest making to the current traditional education program to avoid creating our own saber-tooth experience?  Why?  How do you suggest teachers avoid a curriculum programmed for obsolescence (Sadker, et al)?

Dr. Herring

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Week 7 - School, Law and Ethics

Southern Poverty Law Center

 School Law and Ethics
Readings:  Chapter 10, Teachers, Schools and Society, eighth edition pp. 381 - 417. 
Focus Questions:
1.     What legal rights and responsibilities do you have as a teacher?
2.     What legal rights and responsibilities do students have?

Much amazed at the growth in legal responsibilities teachers much shoulder in the classroom today.  Not much recall of the rights and responsibilities of teachers being addressed as much when I went through a teacher education program.  Only after working on a principal certification did the education program at my alma mater include a course on school law and ethics.  It was in this course that we had a full discussion and responsibility to know the law as it pertains to school issues, as well as the state's education code.  In today's world  it has become important for teachers to at least be familiar with scenarios that play out in schools every day that involve legal decisions.  It is much easier to circumvent situations that could bring you face to face with courtroom proceedings if you are aware of the consequences of such. 
The text does an excellent job of painting eighteen scenarios invoking teacher vs. student rights.  As noted in the text, Title IX (1972) and Title VII (1964) are federal laws that prohibit many illegal practices as proposed in the situations below.  There are state laws in place that direct the legalities of these situations as well.  Important cases (links for those are provided in the situations below as well as summaries are on pages 404- 405)) have set precedents, making it even more easier for teachers to head off such situations in advance. 
In my own experiences in schools, I have first hand knowledge of teachers who have suffered from similar situations.  For example, two male colleagues were faced with court cases involving accusations from female students in a private high school.  One of the teachers was 'let go' by the school until his case was heard as it involved a rape charge; he maintained his innocence throughout.  His case was heard and he was exonerated, but he was devastated from the entire situation.  He does teach school again in a public high school.  The other teacher was implicated by not reporting his knowledge of an abusive home situation:  a female student confided in him that she was being raped by her father:  what should she do?  He should have shared this information with the administration, as well as call Child Protective Services, but did not.  When this case went to court, he had to go as well.  He eventually left the school, but does teach in another private school last I heard. 
Because we now live in a litigious society with people subject to lawsuits for numerous reasons, it is worth the time to read each of these situations in the text as they do represent classic opportunities for court cases.
Teacher Rights and Responsibilities
      1.  Situation 1 - Applying for a position
      2.  Situation 2 - Sexual harassment
      3.  Situation 3 - Personal lifestyle [ Thompson v. Southwest School District ]
      4.  Situation 4 - Teachers' academic freedom [ Pickering v. Board of Education]
      5.  Situation 5 - Legal liability (negligence)
      6.  Situation 6 - Teacher's freedom of speech
      7.  Situation 7 - Copying published material [ Copyright Act ]
      8.  Situation 8 - Labor rights
      9.  Situation 9 - Sex-segregated classes
Student Rights and Responsibilities
     10.  Situation 10 - Student Records  [ Buckley Amendment  - FERPA ]
     11.  Situation 11 - Distribution of scholarships
     12.  Situation 12 - Suspension and discipline [ Ingraham v. Wright ]
     13.  Situation 13 - Freedom of speech [ Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District ]
     14.  Situation 14 - School Prayer
     15.  Situation 15 - Search and Seizure
     16.  Situation 16 - Freedom of the Press [ Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeir ]
     17.  Situation 17 - HIV-infected students
     18. Situation 18 - Sexual harassment [ Franklin v. Gwinnett ]
Sexual harassment cases are especially on the rise.  Bullying issues have increased as well, with teachers caught up in the middle.  Know your rights as well as students, but do not let this information get in the way of being a caring, empathetic educator.  Begin to think about each of these scenarios.  How you would respond in each situation? Is your response goign to be a conflictive one?   If so, it is not too soon to seek out other successful teachers and ask how they are handling these issues, taking note and drawing up a responsive plan of your own. 
To be forewarned is to forearmed.
Alternative Readings/Websites:
1.    Title VII of the Civil Rights Act - 
2.  Title IX of the Education Amendments -
Go back to CourseCompass MEDG 551 NO POSTING FOR WEEK 7.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Week 6 - Financing and Governing Schools

Why do you need to know about finance and governance?  Isn''t it just enough to be able to handle your content area, get students to successfully learn your material while juggling other duties as a teacher in the school? 

 In another developed country, another world, perhaps this would be a mute discussion.  However, given the history of schools as they developed in this country as locally controlled entities, perhapss the forefathers did not have the insight as to how schools would evolve as they have today.  How could they predict that so many people from the federal level on down to the local level would be interested in the business of education?  Then, it was not even a thought of inclusion in federal laws, not something that the creators of the constitution thought would be a national concern.  Then, it was decided that education should be a local concern, a concern of families' rights to say how their children would be reared.  Education and religion were almost one and the same in the founding days of this country.  Local people saw the education of their children as being reared according to their religious beliefs and therefore provided the financial support in their communities to do so.  For example, the early public schools in Baltimore were financed by tuition.  Schools were also financed by local property taxes.
Nowadays, schools continue to be financed by local control, mainly local property taxes, along with state funds and minimal federal funds, however without much input from teachers. Teachers are not a part of the input on how schools should operate, although more and more they are left with the burden of implementing program after program to make students state test stars, for example.  At least in the early days, even though the local communities set up their own schools and financed them as well, these families participated in the selection of who their childrens' teachers would be.  Today, local communities bear the responsibility of funding schools, but with very little input as to who is teaching the children.  That is usually left up to school superintendents. 
Have we outlived our funding measures?  What about local communities whose property tax is not enough to support what schools needs in order to stay competitive with the rich property district next door?  Is it fair or equitable for students who are from poor property families to have to mandatorily attend [all states have compulsory school attendance laws] schools that are run down, old and antiquated, without uptodate resources, textbooks as opposed to those who are born to middle to upper class families who attend well-lit, well-built, updated 21st century schools?
Currently, states are grappling with trying to equalize financing schools, but not nearly it seems at a pace of urgency that this phenomenon demands.  Some argue that money would not make a difference in whether students would increase learning, especially demonstrating that by successfully passing state tests.  However, what about the flip side of this argument?  Would the schools that are updated, resource-ready be willing to trade places, that is, down-date?  Oprah Winfrey brought light to the disparities that exist between districts in Illiinois when two schools, one from a property-poor district and the other a wealthy suburb, allowed cameras to follow students from each school who traded for a day or so, attending each others' schools.  The students from the wealthy suburb were not impressed, at all.  The primary source of local school funding in the state of Louisiana is the Minimum Foundation Program.

What about the Federal government's role in leveling these disparities?  The government has been involved with the issuance of categorical grants especially designed to target poor schools, poor children, but now the pendulum has swung in the direction of awarding block grants instead, which give states more say-so in how and where this money is spent.  Will the states put the money in the poor district schools?
Current trends in education such as choice school programs (voucher, charter bearing schools) are slowly taking hold as one solution.  Perhaps introducing competition among schools for students' attendance.  Perhaps allowing parents once again to have more control over where their children attend schools, to choose the best schools with the monies already allocated to each child by the state and local funds.  Perhaps allowing teachers more say, control over the curriculum and selction of other teachers for their school.  Perhaps paying teachers according to their knowledge, input in providing the best education for students.  Perhaps catching up with new paradigms in financing [and governance] for 21st century education.

Alternative Readings:
Serrano v. Priest – Key California case in school funding. The case helped to develop equality in educational funding.  
The break-down of school funding among states.
 America’s Newest Class War discusses the problems of funding discrepancies in schools.

Go back to CourseCompass MEDG 551 and post to the Discussion Board as outlined below:

Is Financing Schools an Equity or Disparity?  Is it desirable to equalize educational spending among school districts within a state or across the nation?
Which position are you supporting? 
Position 1:  For Justice in Educational Finance.  Position 2:  Against Centralization in Educational Finance  
Read the positions below, chapter nine and the alternative readings websites in Course Documents for Week 6 to find out what are the benefits, drawbacks, concerns for each of these positions. 
Post a 400 word response in favor of position 1 or 2 by Saturday, March 12, 2011.

Position 1: For justice in educational finance. Position 1 is focused on the inequalities of school financing, how lower income areas that have lower income property taxes suffer because there is not an equal allocation of funds. Because higher income areas have higher property taxes and their money is going into their schools, their schools continue to improve and provide better resources for their students while lower income schools continue to suffer and lack important resources. Position 1 suggests that all funding should be equally allocated from a state or federal level to ensure that all schools and students are equally financed. With approximately 50% of school funding coming from property taxes it comes as no surprise that funding through the state or federal level would ensure a more equal distribution of funds. (Custer, 2006)

Position 2: Against centralization in educational financing. Position 2 argues that regardless of funding in the schools lower income students will continue to perform poorly, while the schools in higher income areas will be punished because they have been successful. Position 2 also argues that most federal and state funding is somehow ‘corrupt’ and the funds are rarely equally distributed due to kickbacks and politically undermined placement. (Custer, 2006)

Dr. Herring

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Weeks 4 and 5 Philosophy of Education

What is your philosophy about life, about how education should go?  Do you know?  You may already have an idea.  One of the best ways to check on how you believe about education is to think back on who your favorite teachers were as you were growing up.  How did they govern the classroom?  Were they laissez-faire or very structured?  What did you enjoy most about that teacher?  Why did you enjoy that classroom?

Spend time exploring these questions and then read chapter eight.  See if you can identify the philosophy most held by your favorite teacher(s).  Is that how you have governed your classroom? or intend to govern it?

In looking at the chapter, definitions for the four basic areas of systematic philosophy: metaphysics, epistemology, axiology, and logic are provided. These definitions are used in analyzing the various philosophies of education that follow in the chapter.

The section on idealism examines one of the earliest philosophies of education. This philosophy posits that truth and values are absolute and universal. In pedagogical matters, idealism is presented as a philosophy that asserts the primacy of the intellectual dimension of human nature. A curriculum reflecting idealism would focus on emphasizing the finest elements of the cultural heritage.

The section on realism is examined as an educational philosophy that affirms the existence of objective knowledge and values. This section presents the realists' conception of education, curriculum, and methodology of instruction. A curriculum reflecting realism would focus on subject matter like history, languages, science, and mathematics as the organized bodies of knowledge.

The section on pragmatism is related to John Dewey's experimentalist philosophy of education. The basis for Dewey's pragmatic orientation is treated in terms of his evolutionary conception of a changing reality. Instruction would be organized around problem solving according to the scientific method.

Existentialism is examined as a newer movement in educational philosophy that stresses personal reflection and choice. From the existentialist perspective, philosophizing about the meaning of one's life and of freedom is a central activity. Classroom dialogues would be designed to stimulate an awareness that each person creates a self-concept through significant choices.

The section on progressive principles as articulated by the Progressive Education Association are presented. The origins of the progressive movement in education are examined in terms of a movement toward child-centered education that is flexible, permissive, and open-ended. Instruction based on progressive principles would include activities and projects based on students' interests and needs. Links are also made to the modern concept of constructivism.

Social reconstructionism is presented as a theory that recognizes that society is in a state of crisis.  The theme of an interdependent world is used to present the urgency of social and educational reform as advocated by the social reconstructionists. Instruction would emphasize the use of social sciences in solving significant, and often controversial, socioeconomic problems.

Sections on perennialism and essentialism characterize these ideas as examples of traditional or conservative theories of education. Their traditionalism stems from the view that education is a process of transmitting an organized body of knowledge to students. A perennialist curriculum would be based on the great books and works of art of the Western cultural heritage. An essentialist curriculum would emphasize the skills and subjects that transmit the cultural heritage and that contribute to socioeconomic efficiency.

Critical theory is not addressed in this text, but deserves some mention. This recently developed theory challenges the status quo that traditional schools reproduce. Critical theorists contend that the power holders in society use institutions like the schools to dominate those who lack power. Students and teachers should be empowered to create an education that challenges the current power structure.

The text also covers the three main philosophers:  Socrates, Plato and Aristotle who have been promoted as the major contributors of Western thought processes.  What is each most notable for contributing? 

Socrates:  asking questions to promote in-depth thinking
Plato:  dialoguing; believed in the rule of the masses by an elite society
Aristotle:  believed in the 'real' world:  scientific theory based on research what we can see, touch, feel
Read chapter 8 and monograph below, "A Confucian View of Good Teaching."

Post your comment in at least 400 words, answering the questions at the end of the reading below on A Confucian View of Good Teaching for Discussion Postings 3 and 4 [combined] by Saturday, March 5, midnight.

A Confucian View of Good Teaching

Confucius (551-479 b.c.) developed the ethical system that governed society, politics, and education in ancient China. Concerned with maintaining social and cultural harmony, Confucius's ideas on education emphasized the proper attitudes and relationships between teachers and students. Confucian philosophy has had and continues to exercise an important influence on culture and education in China, Japan, Korea, and in other Asian countries. The following selection is from Confucius's "Record on the Subject of Education."

When a superior man knows the causes which make instruction successful, and those which make it of no effect, he can become a teacher of others. Thus in his teaching, he leads and does not drag; he strengthens and does not discourage; he opens the way but does not conduct to the end without the learner's own efforts. Leading and not dragging produces harmony. Strengthening and not discouraging makes attainment easy. Opening the way and not conducting to the end makes the learner thoughtful. He who produces such harmony, easy attainment, and thoughtfulness may be pronounced a skillful teacher.

The good singer makes men able to continue his notes, and so the good teacher makes them able to carry out his ideas. His words are brief, but far-reaching; unpretentious, but deep; with few illustrations, but instructive. In this way he may be said to perpetuate his ideas.

When a man of talents and virtue knows the difficulty on the one hand and the facility on the other in the attainment of learning, and knows also the good and bad qualities of his pupils, he can vary his methods of teaching. When he can vary his methods of teaching, he can be a master indeed. When he can be a teacher indeed, he can be the Head of an official department. When he can be such a Head, he can be the Ruler of a state. Hence it is from the teacher indeed that one learns to be a ruler, and the choice of a teacher demands the greatest care; as it is said in the Record, "The three kings and the four dynasties were what they were by their teachers."

According to Confucius, what principles contribute to successful teaching and learning?
What deficiencies may interfere with students' learning?
When should teachers vary their teaching methods?
What did Confucius believe was an appropriate teacher-learner relationship?
What are your ideas of good teaching? Which are part of your philosophy of education? How do they agree with or differ from Confucius's ideas?

Source: Robert Ulich, ed., Three Thousand Years of Educational Wisdom (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1954), pp. 21-22. 

Dr. Herring

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Week 2 [and 3] Chapter 7 - The History of American Education

     Chapter 7 begins the history of American education, addressing the nature and purpose of Colonial Education. What was the nature and purpose of Colonial Education?  Mainly, to promote Christianity, the gospel of Jesus Christ according to the King James Version of the Holy Bible, to save souls from a burning Hell, from Satan, the Devil.  The New England Primer was the main text used, first published in 1687 by Benjamin Harris.  It was the first textbook used in the colonies.  The1777 edition contained such text as The Lord's Prayer:
The LORD's Prayer.
OUR Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation. But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever. AMEN. 
One, two, three syllable lesson for children:

Easy Syllables, etc.

Ba be bi bo bu ca ce ci co cu da de di do du fa fe fi fo fu ga ge gi go gu ha he hi ho hu ja je ji jo ju ka ke ki ko ku la le li lo lu ma me mi mo mu na ne ni no nu pa pe pi po pu ra re ri ro ru ta te ti to tu va ve vi vo vu wa we wi wo wy ya ye yi yo yu za ze zi zo zu 

Words of one Syllable.

Age all ape are Babe beef best bold Cat cake crown cup Deaf 
dead dry dull Eat ear eggs eyes Face feet fish foul Gate good grass great Hand hat head heart Ice ink isle jobb Kick kind kneel know Lamb lame land long Made mole moon mouth Name night noise noon Oak once one ounce Pain pair pence pound Quart queen quick quilt Rain raise rose run Saint sage salt said Take talk time throat Vain vice vile view Way wait waste would 

Words of two Syllables.

Ab-sent ab-hor a-pron au-thor Ba-bel be-came be-guile bold-ly Ca-pon cel-lar con-stant cup-board Dai-ly de-pend di-vers du-ty Ea-gle ea-ger en-close e-ven Fa-ther fa-mous fe-male fu-ture Ga-ther gar-den gra-vy glo-ry 
Hei-nous hate-ful hu-mane hus-band In-fant in-deed in-cence i-sland Ja-cob jeal-ous jus-tice ju-lep La-bour la-den la-dy la-zy Ma-ny ma-ry mo-tive mu-sick 

Words of three Syllables.

A-bu-sing a-mend-ing ar-gu-ment Bar-ba-rous be-ne-fit beg-gar-ly Cal-cu-late can-dle-stick con-foun-ded Dam-ni-fy dif-fi-cult drow-si-ness Ea-ger-ly em-ploy-ing evi-dence Fa-cul-ty fa-mi-ly fu-ne-ral Gar-de-ner glo-ri-ous gra-ti-tude Hap-pi-ness har-mo-ny ho-li-ness  

Hornbooks were used by students to take home and study lessons.  The main purpose of Colonial Education was to thoroughly indoctrinate students with the Holy Scriptures from The Holy Bible, the King James Version.
The very first education laws were established in the state of Massachusetts known as the Massachusetts Education Laws of 1642 and 1647
Early schools included the One Room School House, Dame Schools ran by women in the home, Latin Grammar Schools, the first college was Harvard College, Private Schools such as the Mennonites, the Swedes, Dutch and Jews in New York , and Plantation Owners hired Tutors in the South.  None of these early schooling initiatives involved schooling African Slaves.

How did the Common School Movement promote universal education?
 ...Due to the prevail of leading educators of the 17th century who promoted that all students should be educated for both practical and idealistic purposes.  These included promoters such as: 
- Thomas Jefferson – who said education should be for  common, white children, not just the elite.
- Benjamin Franklin -  who said that education should extend beyond free elementary school to include the ACADEMY.
- Horace Mann – who introduced the idea of the public elementary school for all students – known as ‘the father of public education’ – helped to create the Massachusetts Board of Education
- and  President Andrew Jackson Was Andrew Jackson a great President?
 see the link on the Indian Removalhe was the voice of the Common People, the Poor Whites.
How did secondary schools evolve?

as the Gap between elementary and university education existed – secondary schools evolved first as tuition charging academies, creating Normal Schools for females who wanted to be teachers; Academies for boys wanting to go into the Military.
The secondary school movement included: 
The English Classical School  [1821]– first free, secondary education school  for working class boys in the U.S., in Boston, MA
Academies [1700-1800s] – some college prep, some  business education
High Schoolsfree, public schools, supported by school taxes [see Kalamazoo, MI case of 1874 - The "Kalamazoo Case" became the rule of law throughout the nation, paving the way for the widespread acceptance of tax-supported high schools. The City of Kalamazoo opened a high school operated through tax support in 1859. In 1873, three owners of considerable downtown property filed a circuit court suit to prevent the township treasurer from collecting that portion of the school property tax intended for the support of the high school. In February 1874, the judge ruled in favor of the school board. The case was immediately appealed to the Michigan Supreme Court where it was upheld. ]
How did teaching become a gendered career?

Early teaching was considered a ‘man’s job; per the Holy Bible:  men worked outside the home; women took care of the inside of the home; men were considered the HEAD, after God, after Christ.
 Education is STILL...
Gendered Male  - early colonial days, men dominated the teaching field
Gendered Female – introduction of home Dame schools, where women taught students in their kitchens, homes;
introduction of common schools increased demand for women teachers, although preference for single, spinsters
Gendered Male – white women should be at home being mothers to continue the white race.
Gendered White Female today 90% of teachers in the U.S. are white ----  71% of the teachers are female

What role has the Federal Government played in American Education?

The Federal Government's history of involvement with schools include:

This concludes the blog posting for Week 2 Chapter 7 - the History of American Education.  You can return to Course Compass Blackboard for the posted reading excerpts.

Jennifer Herring, PhD